For it's 10th birthday I'm updating it to take account of the fact that recent kernels and Linux distributions include DRBD software and so I don't need to. The end result is a further simplification of the installation requirements - always a bonus.
Of course that doesn't make an exciting release does it? Hence I've also taken the opportunity to do the following:
- Strip out many bundling Perl modules (not all) - relying on the distribution or the administrator to provide these. The result - more up to date versions will probably be used and should improve security/performance and reliability.
- Reorganised the installation structure. Previously the software placed files in about 6 different directory structures; not ideal. Now the software lands in /opt/linuxha14 - though /etc/cluster is still used for configuration and /var/log/cluster for log files.
- Simplified the event monitoring system; typically no longer need to edit a configuration file; the default "just works".
- Improved Network handling; the infrastructure better handles network failures and IP fail-over - for example it is possible to run application adds and rebuilds even if the standard node IP addresses are not in operation.
- IPv6 support. It is possible to use the software totally using IPv6 functionality - both for the software itself and the application IP addresses it presents. Of course it will work with IPv4 too if you wish; or both at the same time if you really want to!
As an example - here is a ping6 of an application IP address during a fail-over - lost about 40 seconds before it was visible on the remaining node in the cluster.
64 bytes from fec0::192:168:1:200: icmp_seq=220 ttl=64 time=0.164 ms
64 bytes from fec0::192:168:1:200: icmp_seq=221 ttl=64 time=0.201 ms
64 bytes from fec0::192:168:1:200: icmp_seq=222 ttl=64 time=0.133 ms
64 bytes from fec0::192:168:1:200: icmp_seq=266 ttl=64 time=0.281 ms
64 bytes from fec0::192:168:1:200: icmp_seq=267 ttl=64 time=0.123 ms
64 bytes from fec0::192:168:1:200: icmp_seq=268 ttl=64 time=0.112 ms
A snapshot of the cluster application whilst a single node was running:
# clstat -A apache
Cluster: test - UP
Application Node State Runnnig Monitor Stale Fail-over?
apache lubuntu2 STARTED 0:00:09 Running 2 No
File Systems
Mount Point Valid Type State % Complete Completion
/apache/admin local drbd Unsync
/apache/data local drbd Unsync
General Monitors
Type Name Status
FS Monitor fsmonitor Running
An subset of the DRBD configuration - showing it running over IPv6 in this cluster:
protocol C;
_this_host {
device minor 0;
disk "/dev/apachevg/apache2";
meta-disk "/dev/apachevg/apache2_meta" [ 0 ];
address ipv6 [fec1::192:168:100:25]:9906;
_remote_host {
address ipv6 [fec1::192:168:100:26]:9906;
So when will it be released? Soon is the best answer I can give. I need to validate the functionality across recent Redhat Linux configurations and update the documentation - including a 1.4.10 to 1.4.11 upgrade guide.
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