Saturday, November 20, 2010

Code Manager 2 Work

Code Manager 2 is a strange beast really. Is it a cross between a single site version control system and a release management system. As with a lot of my work the key defining aim is to ensure the target audience finds the tool easy to use yet powerful enough to be genuinely useful.

Oodles of documentation on the Google code pages for it, but suffice to say it works with a single working directory structure shared by developers and a repository stored elsewhere. Various different repositories are supported and it works on UNIX and Windows.

All the standard features you might expect are there - working at the individual file level; but so are a lot more. It is possible to compare "projects" (a collection of directories making a single development environment), and even tag releases and automatically create packages from them for various package managers.

If you fancy a simple version control system, but powerful enough to work with a largish collection of sources and like the idea of easy package creation, take a look.

It is currently at version 1.3.1 and a version 1.3.2 is probably going to happen in a few days time with numerous small fixes and tweaks.

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