Saturday, November 20, 2010

Skulker v1 Up and Running

Wow - it has been some time since I last posted! The good news is that the software has continued to develop despite the lack of news here. Firstly Skulker...

Well 1.0.1 is actually out at present and the key features I really wanted have made it and are working well. These are:

  • Multi-threading - the core code has been written to be thread friendly and the compress functionality supports threading across all recent (5.6 and above I reckon) versions of Perl. What this did show me is that lightweight threading in Perl is pretty inefficient but it seems to work OK for the compression module.
  • Internal compression types - it does now support use of "internal" compression - that is rather than running external programs it can optionally (if configured and available) make use of Perl modules greatly improving performance - especially when handling a lot of files.
  • Windows support - Working, including threading. Tested with Strawberry Perl and running in productions environments now just fine.
  • Scrubbing - zero's out files before deleting them. Aim is to help with storage reclaims on sparse storage (certain high-end environments).

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